We are pleased to announce that GCL has successfully applied for a one-month extension on use of the Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight system (CHIEF).
While we will still primarily be processing declarations through the new Customs Declaration System (CDS), this one-month extension will provide an extremely helpful back up system, in case of any technical that may arise.
While the extension is only available for clear business reasons, the announcement was met positively by trade bodies such as the British International Freight Association (BIFA) and Agency Sector Management (ASM).
The extension will provide a window for businesses to complete their transition over to CDS, but any that have yet to start the process, must do so quickly.
BIFA Director General, Robert Keen said “The important thing to remember is that this discretionary period is short and designed to facilitate those traders who are close to, but have not fully migrated to CDS. So anyone with their head in the sand over transition from CHIEF to CDS really needs to act fast.”
For information on transitioning to CDS, you can read the full Government guidance here.
You can also read our step-by-step guide, here.